CBD For Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is defined by researchers as severe dizziness and nausea that arise as a result of moving across space. This phenomenon is most commonly observed during a vehicle, train, or boat journey. Millions of people suffer from motion sickness all around the world.

For factors that scientists are still unable to identify, motion sickness may be more common in some groups of people. Some experts claim that women are more prone to experience motion sickness than men. People who suffer from migraines, such as vestibular migraines are also at a higher risk.

Symptoms Of Motion Sickness

Some of the most common symptoms of motion sickness include severe body pain, headaches, increased saliva production, nausea, vomiting, cold sweating, changes in skin color, etc. Some health experts are saying that motions sickness can sometimes go undetected. Motion sickness is self-treatable most of the time.

In the past couple of years, many studies were conducted on the effects of CBD in managing motion sickness.

CBD For Motion Sickness

Researchers have known since the discovery of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) that this network of cannabinoid receptor sites plays a vital role in nausea and vomiting regulation. Many studies conducted over the years have shown that CBD can indirectly activate 5-hydroxytryptamine (commonly known as 5-HT1A), a unique molecule that lowers nausea and the vomiting reflex

The effects of dexamethasone, which is a steroid that prevents the body from releasing molecules that cause inflammation, were investigated in a 2014 study published in the European Journal of Pharmacology by Zheng et al. The study discovered that boosting the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in mice reduced motion sickness symptoms. Given the relationship between the ECS and cannabinoids like CBD and THC found in hemp and marijuana, this could be yet more indicator of CBD’s efficacy.

Reasons For Using CBD For Managing Motions Sickness

Consumers have claimed that CBD for nausea is fast-acting and effective, which is one possible reason to explore CBD for motion sickness. Individuals claim that taking over-the-counter or prescription medicine at least 30 minutes before traveling can help prevent motion sickness. CBD edibles or CBD vape oil, on the other hand, should provide speedier results. There is no conclusive evidence that recommends CBD as an effective treatment for motion sickness. However, studies have shown that it can help with nausea and vomiting, the symptoms of motion sickness.