CBD Cancer

Colorado State University’s research team states that cannabidiol could be of use in dealing with a lethal kind of cancer known as ‘glioblastoma’. The ‘AANS’ says that Glioblastoma multiforme occurs in two out of 100,000 grown-ups yearly and that it contributes to over half of primary brain tumor cases.

In the university researchers’ study, they looked at the cells of brain cancer that affected dogs and humans. It now appears that this brain cancer has numerous similarities in the humans and the other animals, who were part of the study. In it, cannabidiol extract and crystalline powder type CBD that contains some quantities of THC and CBG were utilized for the cells. Consequently, cannabidiol slowed the growth of cancer, and it had a lethal effect on the cell lines of those affected by glioblastoma.

In the case of the extract, the research found that it has a slight difference from CBD crystals. “CBD has been zealously studied in cells for its anticancer properties over the last decade,” stated Chase Gross, who pursues a degree program at the university.

As per the researchers, cannabidiol targets mitochondria, which results in the dysfunction of these chemical energy-making cell structures. There was a considerable reduction of mitochondrial activity in the species’ cells treated through cannabidiol. That said, we must note that it was just lab trialing done on cells instead of human beings or canine. Anyhow, the CBD cancer revelations herald a positive change in the world of cancer treatment.

The research team is thinking about testing on animal models in the future, and it could pave the way for new treatment options. A summary of their piece of research is featured in the scientific ‘FASEB Journal’.

It was not the first study performed to know the scope of phytocannabinoids with regards to treating brain cancer. In the recent past, some pharmaceutical companies revealed the results of their studies, regarding the efficacy of phytocannabinoids for the health condition. So, it is another study that shows that the connection between cannabidiol and our brain is deep.

Even the common man might know that it has the potential to counteract the psychoactive effect of tetrahydrocannabinol. The term ‘psychoactive’ refers to chemical compounds that affect how one’s the nervous system and brain work, thereby changing one state of mind. Marijuana users describe this kind of change as a ‘high.’