Important Points About Using CBD With Other Medications

CBD For Mood Swings
CBD For Mood Swings
Cannabidiol CBD
Cannabidiol CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD)-infused products are popular among users because they offer promising relief from the symptoms of many common day ailments. For example, studies show that it can be used for reducing muscle soreness, relieving joint pain, healing minor wounds, managing anxiety and stress, improving sleep, and so on. In this article, we will discuss using CBD with other medications; read on to know more about this.

CBD And Its Effects

The main reason for the popularity and widespread use of CBD-infused products is due to CBD health benefits, and they are considered safe at normal doses. However, they may produce some side effects like light-headedness, drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, diarrhea, and liver damage in rare instances. Also, it may produce unwanted symptoms or toxicity when it is consumed along with certain types of pharmaceutical drugs.

Healthcare experts recommend not to take cannabidiol (CBD)along with OTC or prescription medications that produce drowsiness like antipsychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and antihistamines. Also, taking it along with alcohol may cause increased sleepiness, fatigue, etc. Furthermore, taking it with stimulants like Adderall may result in decreased appetite.

CBD Can Alter The Effects Of Other Drugs

Most pharmaceutical drugs and cannabinoids like CBD and THC are broken down in the liver by enzymes into metabolites. The useful metabolites are utilized by the body to produce beneficial therapeutic effects. One such group of enzymes that metabolize medications is cytochrome P450 (CYP450). Cannabidiol (CBD)competes or interferes with its action, and this leads to too much or too little concentration of pharmaceutical drugs in the body. This altered concentration of a drug could make the medication ineffective or produce unwanted side effects. Remember that the effects of this type of drug interaction can be unpredictable and unpleasant.

Listed below are some of the medications that you must not take with cannabidiol (CBD):

  • Warfarin, a common blood thinner.
  • Levothyroxine is a thyroid medication
  • Amiodarone is a heart rhythm medication
  • Medications used for treating seizures like lamotrigine, clobazam, and valproate

It is recommended to avoid consuming CBD when you are taking OTC or pharmaceutical drugs with a grapefruit warning.

The Form Of CBD

The potential side effects and drug interaction of CBD also depend on the type of cannabidiol product. For example, inhaling it increases the risk of acute side effects because a high concentration of CBD quickly enters the bloodstream through the lungs.